
GSC Business Professor Honored
Cinda Echard, Associate Professor of Vocational Business, was awarded the Faculty Award of Excellence at the 2009 Glenville State College commencement ceremony.
Alum Gives $25,000 to GSC
Glenville State College Alum Mike Forbes has made a $25,000 gift to his Alma Mater.
GSC President Appointed Chair of HEPC Task Force
Glenville State College President Peter B. Barr has been appointed to chair the P-20 Collaborative Task Force by Brian Noland, Chancellor of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission.
GSC Honors Congressman Alan B. Mollohan
Alan B. Mollohan, West Virginia’s First District Congressman, received an Honorary Doctor of Public Service at Glenville State College’s commencement ceremony on May 9th.
Gilmer County Resident Wins GSC Award
Ann Reed, Records Assistant in the Registrar’s Office, received the Classified Employee of the Year award at Glenville State College.
GSC Presents Plaque to Yeager Airport
Glenville State College President Dr. Peter Barr and Major Gifts Officer Dr. Bob Henry Baber attended the Yeager Airport Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday, May 27th to present a plaque to Airport Director Rick Atkinson.
GSC Call-Stars Reach $75,000 Goal
In the fall of 2008, Twenty highly motivated Glenville State College students coached by Dr. Bob Henry Baber, GSC Major Gifts Officer, make up the Call-Star team which reached their goal of $75,000.