Grants & Compliance

Research Corporation

Grant applications, funding, and administration have become standardized at Glenville State University through the actions of its Research Corporation which "serves as the fiscal and administrative agent for sponsored programs and other projects performed by Glenville State University. A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation chartered under the laws of the State of West Virginia, the corporation has the authority to enter into agreements with external funding agencies on behalf of Glenville State University, and provides a complete range of administrative and fiscal services in support of funded projects."

Grant administration is done within the Office of Advancement administered by the Vice President of Advancement and Government Affairs. The Grants and Compliance Manual is currently being revised to outline the University policy in dealing with grants. 

If you are interested in submitting a grant proposal, please contact Leslie Mason, Sr. Director of Grants and Compliance, for guidance at 304-462-6387 or via email at

Why request support for research and other scholarly projects?

  • Contribute to your profession and receive recognition
  • Increase your knowledge
  • Engage in exciting challenges with students and others in your field
  • Improve funding for graduate assistants
  • Improve equipment and facilities
  • Improve rank, salary, and promotion considerations

What does the Office of Grants and Compliance do?

  • Assists faculty in submitting proposal and getting grants
  • Accepts award and assists with proper administration for the Sponsor and GSU
  • Mediates the grant process
  • Educates department and school administrators in the grant process
  • Assists with internal and external compliance requirements
  • Supports the research mission of University faculty