Computer Policies

General Information

The Director of Technology must approve all computer hardware, software, and services prior to acquisition. All applicable purchasing requirements of Glenville State University and/or the state of West Virginia shall apply.

Internet Usage Policy

This Internet Usage Policy applies to all employees of Glenville State University who have access to computers and the Internet to be used in the performance of their work. Use of the Internet by employees of Glenville State University is permitted and encouraged where such use supports the goals and objectives of the University. However, access to the Internet through Glenville State University is a privilege and all employees must adhere to the policies concerning Computer, Email and Internet usage. Violation of these policies could result in disciplinary and/or legal action leading up to and including termination of employment. Employees may also be held personally liable for damages caused by any violations of this policy.

Computer, Email, and Internet Usage

  • University employees are expected to use the Internet responsibly and productively. Internet access is limited to job-related activities only and personal use is not permitted.
  • Job-related activities include research and educational tasks that may be found via the Internet that would help in an employee's role.
  • All Internet data that is composed, transmitted and/or received by Glenville State University’s computer systems is considered to belong to Glenville State University and is recognized as part of its official data. It is therefore subject to disclosure for legal reasons or to other appropriate third parties.
  • The equipment, services, and technology used to access the Internet are the property of Glenville State University and the University reserves the right to monitor Internet traffic and monitor/access data that is composed, sent, or received through its online connections.
  • Emails sent via the University email system should not contain content that is deemed to be offensive. This includes, though is not restricted to, the use of vulgar or harassing language/images.
  • All sites and downloads may be monitored and/or blocked by Glenville State University if they are deemed to be harmful and/or not productive to the University.

Unacceptable use of the Internet by employees includes, but is not limited to:

  • Sending or posting discriminatory, harassing, or threatening messages or images on the Internet or via Glenville State University’s email service.
  • Using computers to perpetrate any form of fraud, and/or software, film or music piracy.
  • Stealing, using, or disclosing someone else's password without authorization.
  • Downloading, copying or pirating software and electronic files that are copyrighted or without authorization.
  • Sharing confidential material or proprietary information outside of the organization.
  • Hacking into unauthorized websites.
  • Introducing malicious software onto the University's network and/or jeopardizing the security of the organization's electronic communications systems.
  • Sending or posting chain letters, solicitations, or advertisements not related to University purposes or activities.
  • Passing off personal views as representing those of the University.

If an employee is unsure about what constituted acceptable Internet usage, then he/she should ask his/her supervisor for further guidance and clarification.

All terms and conditions as stated in this document are applicable to all users of Glenville State University’s network and Internet connection. All terms and conditions as stated in this document reflect an agreement of all parties and should be governed and interpreted in accordance with the policies and procedures mentioned above. Any user violating these policies is subject to disciplinary actions deemed appropriate by Glenville State University.

Unsolicited Bulk E-mail from GSU Unaffiliated Accounts is Strictly Forbidden

Merriam-Webster defines Spam as unsolicited usually commercial messages (such as e-mails, text messages, or Internet postings) sent to a large number of recipients or posted in a large number of places. Spam is any form of Unsolicited Bulk E-mail.

Unsolicited means that the recipient has not granted verifiable permission for the message to be sent. Bulk means that the message is sent as part of a larger collection of messages (such as e-mails, text messages, or Internet postings), all having basically identical content. Unsolicited Bulk Email is email that is unwanted or not requested by the recipient and sent in large quantities (in bulk).

The content of the Unsolicited Bulk Email message is irrelevant - if the message was sent unsolicited and in bulk then the message is spam.

Any email account that sends unsolicited bulk e-mail or spam to GSU e-mail accounts will be subject to being blocked, blacklisted, quarantined, and/or deleted en masse.

Computer Hardware

The Director of Technology must be consulted in the planning of any purchase of computer hardware and must sign the request for purchase before it can go to the Business Office for processing under the guidelines specified above. All computer hardware, including that acquired by a division or office, is under the control of the Director of Technology.

The Office of Technology is responsible for coordinating the maintenance and care of all computer hardware. The Office of Technology will charge non-controlled hardware to the appropriate division or office.

Computer hardware owned by the University may be used by any faculty member, division, department, or student who needs it when available. The department that originally requested the hardware will have first call on its use. Other interested parties may obtain use of the hardware on a first-come, first-served basis coordinated through the Director of Technology and the department involved. Hardware locations may be changed from time to time to meet evolving needs and priorities.

Computer hardware may be:

  • Located in a public area for general use by all users.
  • Located in a specified office or room for an extended period of time for use by a specific user or group of users. The person requesting such services shall be responsible for all hardware assigned to them and shall report any problems to the Director of Technology for correction.
  • Signed out to a faculty or staff member for a short period of time to supplement the basic hardware already available to them. No hardware will be removed from the campus without prior written approval from the Director of Technology.


General-purpose software is acquired by the Office of Technology and made available to faculty and staff. Special purpose software needed for single or very few users may be purchased through the Office of Technology. Special purpose software will be made available by request of area manager to the Director of Technology. There will be times when the Office of Technology will have to remove software or files in order to make room for someone else to use the system. All attempts will be made to leave all software available at all times, but this cannot always be feasible due to the size of the current computer system.


The Office of Technology staff provides computer assistance and services to all areas of the University. All requests for any services must be submitted in writing, by Intranet, or by oral consultation to the Director of Technology. The Director will assign appropriate staff to the completion of such requests. The Director will also attempt to give deadlines of completion to the person requesting the service. Such deadlines will be approximate, as other, higher priority requests may arise unexpectedly.

Instructional Consulting

The Office of Technology will provide professional and paraprofessional assistance to students using the available computers in their course work. This assistance includes terminal usage, log-on/log-off procedures, response to error messages, and use of the appropriate manuals, but shall not include program design. Instructors needing assistance will direct such requests to the Director of Technology as outlined under the services above.

WVNET (West Virginia Network for Educational Telecomputing)

Glenville State University is a member institution of WVNET. As such, the computer services available to the user are not limited to the micros and the mini systems located on campus. They are enhanced by access to large-scale computing power at the WVNET host site in Morgantown and by WVNET's connections to national and international networks. Request for services provided by WVNET must be made to the Director of Technology.

Office of Technology Help Desk Hours

Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.