GSC'S Dr. Bob Henry Baber Holds Workshop at Troy Elementary School
Tue May 27, 2008

Glenville State College’s Dr. Bob Henry Baber visited Troy Elementary School on Wednesday, May 21st to conduct a ‘Memory Jug’ workshop for third, fourth, fifth, and sixth

Dr. Baber at Troy Elementary

grade students. Baber, a well known West Virginia artist and writer and GSC Major Gifts Officer, has conducted similar workshops at Glenville State College for students from Normantown, Glenville, and Burnsville elementary schools over the past couple of months. “Making these ‘Memory Jugs’ is a great exercise in creativity for the kids. I think it helps them appreciate how much fun art can be,” said Baber. Some of the workshops Baber conducted combine a creative writing exercise with making memory pieces.

Art teacher Tammy Cundiff had her students bring in glass jars and small trinkets, pictures, and family memorabilia for their personal ‘Memory Jugs.’ These items, along with a wide variety of decorative pieces supplied by Baber, where adhered to the jars using tile cement.

Students used a wide range of themes to design their jars including favorite toys, sports, Hanna Montana, and family members. Eight year old Mason Helmick from Mrs. Kinder’s third grade class created a loving ‘Memory Jug’ in honor of his mother who had died.

Dr. Baber at Troy Elementary

Tammy Cundiff travels to all four Gilmer County Elementary schools to teach art. She says the ‘Memory Jug’ workshops have been well received. “The kids just love creating their own jars. They have fun digging through all the interesting items that Dr. Baber brings for them to use. The kids really enjoy working with Dr. Bob.”

Baber hopes to expand on the workshops by bringing in other artists in different disciplines to work with students in the schools participating in Glenville State College’s K-12 initiative.
