The Latest Glenville News
Glenville State University Enrollment Increases by 10% Despite State and National Trends
date_rangeJanuary 31, 2025GSU Students Enjoying Starbucks on Campus
Glenville State University Marks Milestone with First Graduates from Master of Arts in Education Programs
date_rangeDecember 11, 2023
Glenville State University proudly announces a momentous occasion as it celebrates the graduation of the first students from its newly established graduate programs in education. The first Graduate Hooding Ceremony, held on December 8th, marked a significant milestone in the university's commitment to academic excellence and the advancement of education. Graduates were also recognized during the Fall Commencement Ceremony on December 9th.
You're Invited - Glenville State University’s Winter Commencement Ceremony
date_rangeDecember 6, 2023
Glenville State University’s Winter Commencement Ceremony will take place on Saturday, December 9th beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the University’s Waco Center.
Winter Commencement is December 14 at GSC
date_rangeNovember 18, 2019
Glenville State College’s Winter Commencement Ceremony will take place on Saturday, December 14 beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the college’s Waco Center.

Commencement Ceremony is May 5 at GSC
date_rangeApril 9, 2018
The 144th Glenville State College Commencement Ceremony will take place on Saturday, May 5 beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the college’s Waco Center.