Dear Lawrence
Thu Mar 7, 2019
Grammar Police Badge

Dear Lawrence,

Thank you so much, for helping us see the errors of our ways when it came to posting on our social media. You see, we’re just simple minded college students, whom probably have not slept in the last two days. We’re currently running off a very large amount of caffeine and pure panic at the moment, so please bear with us as we try to do our best at getting information out and we do not always have time to check our grammar.

Here are some tips on grammar for posting on social media:

1.    Write like you’re speaking to a 13-14 year old.

Now, we’re not saying to treat the reader like they are stupid but to make it easier and more enjoyable for the reader.

2.    You don’t need to follow the rule of writing out numbers less than 10.

This applies to posting headlines, sentence lines, and title lines.

3.    Avoid writing in the 3rd person.

It comes off creepy. Like a man living in his mother’s basement with 12 cats.

4.    It’s okay to start sentence with words like “And” and “But.”

This rule only applies if it is used in a sentence you are trying to give emphasize too.

5.    Capitalize your letters that need it.

For example: is behind “enemy” lines should be Is behind “enemy lines” or Behind “enemy” lines.

So, Lawrence, do us all a favor and please practice what you preach.

Thank you,

           Periódico Gnomo Rodriguez

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