Parking tweets change policy: Dr. Pellett's twitter feed sparks debate
Thu Mar 7, 2019
Glenville State College Parking

by Jennie Burroughs

Last week, Glenville State College President Dr.Tracy Pellett sent out a tweet saying that if he got 50 likes and 50 retweets, parking rules at Glenville State College would change. The post got more than 50 of each. People who have parking passes for Riverfront and Pioneer Village can now park on campus without a fine. However, those who only have Waco passes, must only park at Waco. 

Officer Mike Wheeler, a campus Police Officer at Glenville State College, stated that the rules for parking have been officially changed due to Pellett’s post on twitter. An email was also sent out by Public Safety on March 6 saying that anyone with a purple or orange colored pass may park on campus as long as it is not a reserved or special spot.  

Many people are speaking out against the changes to parking because of the chaos it could cause. Now, commuters have the possibility of losing their spot to anyone with a parking pass which isn’t located at the Waco. Professors are also at risk of losing their spot to college students if they don’t have a reserved or special parking pass. Curtis Sleeth, a freshman commuter at Glenville State College, said that he felt commuters should be a priority. He also added that he feels that Glenville State College doesn’t have the parking space for the new people coming in from PV and Riverside. Eli Henthorn also added his thoughts. Henthorn is a junior and lives on campus. Henthorn stated that he has a pass to park anywhere on campus and has had issues finding a spot to park before the parking change. Henthorn also said that most of the time he can only get a spot near Parking Lot C.  

Logan Hays, a freshman who lives in the dorms, stated that he believes it’s unfair that people who live at PV and Riverfront can park wherever they want, while people with Waco passes can only park at the Waco. Hays also added that parking at Glenville State College has always been inconvenient, but with the change in parking he can see it becoming a lot harder to find a space.  

Brittani Kosan, a commuter at Glenville, said that she feels like it is unfair that commuters now have to share their spots with people with parking passes at PV and the Riverside apartments. She said that before parking was already an issue, and because the changes she can see it causing a bigger issue. Emily Salsbury, a junior and a resident in the dorms, said that she felt President Pellett should have decided parking changes in a more formal manner. She stated, "I believe he had a good idea, it just wasn't executed in a great way."

There is only one way to find out how the parking changes will affect Glenville State College, and the best way to do that is to wait and see. 

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