Phoenix Five asks for student opinion on new campus smoking policies
Thu Jan 30, 2020
GSC Smoking Policies

By Samantha Lamb

Smoking policies on campus have recently changed to include designated smoking areas. Five students were asked their opinions. Here’s what they said:

  • “I actually had no clue about the new policies until yesterday when a friend warned me. I still have no idea what all the policy entails. I feel that students should have the freedom to smoke. I smoke. However, I also accept that designated smoking areas help to keep smokers from infringing on the rights and comforts of non-smokers. I’d advise getting more information out there to warn smokers of the change.” -Sadie, Sophomore
  • “Yes, smoking is not healthy or pretty to see. But why should smokers, including me, be segregated and hidden from sight? When I say hidden from sight I mean that students only have four places on the main campus to smoke. Those four places are behind Clark Hall, behind the Fine Arts Building, the main lobby of Pickens, and the “Smoker’s Pavilion” in front of Goodwin Hall. There are only two places for the employees that work on campus. Those places are behind Goodwin Hall and behind the Mollohan. The thing is that most of the places are outside and poorly lit, such as Pickens Hall. To me that is not a good place for any person because it is dark and out of the way. The Smoker’s Pavilion also has a lot of issues of its own. For example, it fills with standing water any time it rains. It’s better than being out in the rain, but it’s still poorly insulated. Even with the new policy in place, I’ve seen a lot of people vaping outside of the designated smoking areas without any repercussions.” -Bradley, Freshman
  • “I think the new smoking policy is really dumb. I’ve heard there were no smokers on the committee that voted for this policy; there should be representation from people that will be affected by this new policy on the committee that is voting for it. If someone is going to go smoke, they shouldn’t have to walk out of the way when the weather is bad; they should be able to go outside where they used to, smoke, and come back inside.” -James*, Junior 
  • “I’m on the fence. I don’t smoke, but I think it’s a good idea to have designated smoking areas. I also think there should be a few more that are easily accessible.” -Harry*, Junior
  • “I think the new policy is a good thing for our school. Some people have lung issues like asthma and being around the smoke can be bad for them and make it harder for them to breathe. I think over all it’s a good idea to have designated areas to smoke. That being said, I think there should be a bit more consideration for the smokers. I don’t think it’s too much to ask that they have access to areas out of the weather and possibly have heating during the winter.” -Sally*, Sophomore

*indicates name change

Although many students are passionate about the designated smoking areas, their descriptions of the actual policy and the way it was developed were often inaccurate. This suggests that more and better communication between those who made the policy and the campus community - especially students - is necessary.

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