Manchin follows through on Pallett promise
Mon Aug 16, 2021
edited starbucks cooler

Opinion By Sadie Murphy

               As a high school senior, I would liked to confidently say that past President Tracey Pallett’s promise to bring a Starbucks to Glenville’s campus did not sway my decision to attend college in rural Gilmer County – but that would be a lie! When recruiters visited my high school, I was intrigued by the idea of being able to order iced coffee on campus. Starbucks is one of the few companies that provides dairy-free drink alternatives that aren't just fruity disappointments. I’m no pumpkin spice fanatic but my boyfriend can’t hold back an eye roll when I place my order:

“Mocha Frap.”
“No whip.”
“No Frap chips.”
“Almond milk.”
“2 extra pumps of chocolate.”
“What size do you want that?”

               If President Pallett hadn’t already made a name for himself as an infamous letdown, President Manchin makes him look outright incapable of the simplest of tasks. A recruitment promise turned sour under the Pallett administration, President Manchin and associates have obtained the resources to finally bring Starbucks to our campus. You may have heard a little about this in Musket supervisor, Katie Miller's "Coffee and books: always a good combination." There has been a lot of gossip going around about what this could become. Vice President Rita Hedrick-Helmick spoke with us after a meeting with an Aramark representative and our very own Lisa Smarr about the certainties to come. The three were meeting to interview a potential candidate for the new Starbucks supervisor position - a barista from Flatwoods whose father is well-known to the Aramark Rep.. 

               A recent 10-year contract for our college spirit shop is quickly overshadowed by the 15-year contract renewal between GSC and Aramark. A new grill? A stunning redesigned dining area? There are even rumors about a mock fireplace in the cafeteria creating a new experience for future students and offering job openings for current students. Students will soon see updates to current dinning options, as well as, the long anticipated Manchin’s Starbucks building that will replace Pallet’s small Starbucks cooler in the Musket (there is no word yet on whether Pallett will be returning to get his cooler*).

               Aramark granted $500,000 to help “inspire and nature the human spirit**” within every pioneer but after backlogging issues with equipment, Hedrick-Helmick shares that it is likely that the foundation will be complete before the equipment arrives. Though it may be up to another 16 weeks before you can order your non-fat Frap with extra whipped cream and chocolate sauce, our Vice-President assures us that it is only a matter of time!

*The cooler does not actually belong to former President Pallett. No information was obtainable on whether the Starbucks cooler featured in the picture and found in the Musket was actually added to the store under Pallett's direction. 

** denotes the Starbucks motto.

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