Telephone Service

General Information

Glenville State University uses a Cisco IP phone system. There are four different types of Cisco phones on campus. The model number is displayed on the top right corner of the front of the phone. Please reference that number when selecting a user guide from below:

Campus Directory

A searchable directory is available on this website as well as a printable directory below:


Dialing Procedures

Campus: Dial appropriate four-digit extension number (####)
Local calls: Dial 0 + ### - ### - ####
Long-Distance calls: Dial 0 + 1 + ### + ### - #### 
Toll-Free: Dial 0 + 1 + 800/888/877/866 + ### - ####

Directory Assistance

The following websites provide the services of 411 for free:


Dial 911

If you accidently call 911, please stay on the line and tell the dispatcher that you do not have an emergency.

National Do Not Call Registry

You can register your home and mobile phone numbers with the National Do Not Call Registry.

Unified Messaging

Unified Messaging is voice mail that is digitized and sent over the campus network to appear as messages in email inboxes with wavefile attachments. All employees are set up to receive Unified Messaging; if you desire it can be shut off. Please note that deleting the message from your inbox does not delete it from your voicemail box.


To first set up your voicemail, press the messages button on your phone and then enter (your temporary pin) 1234#. The system will ask you to reset your pin the first time you access it. Sometimes, users get confused when the system asks for the user ID. The user ID is your four digit extension followed by the # sign. If you try to access your voicemail too many times with the wrong information your account will become locked.

The computer generated voice mispronounces some names. If you would like to replace the computer generated voice in the directory with your own recording please see the directions below:

  1. Press Messages enter your pin and #
  2. Press 4 for setup options
  3. Press 3 for preferences
  4. Press 2 for recorded name
  5. Say your first and last names after the tone and press #
  6. Hang up

Voicemail (Remote Access)

From time to time users would like to access their voicemail from off campus, to do so call 304-462-4139 then press *. The system asks for your user ID, which is your four digit extension followed by the # button. Then enter your pin, followed by the # button.


Please contact Robin Meadows in the Office of Technology for any telecommunication issues or complete a work order.