Title IX Office

Glenville State University is committed to providing a positive climate so that every student and employee feels respected and treated with dignity at all times. To achieve a safe and friendly campus, each member of the campus community must act to assure a welcoming campus that appreciates diversity, prizes civility, and respects the individual.

This webpage offers information about Glenville State University’s support of Title IX, a federal policy administered by the Office of Civil Rights under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Education that outlines the responsibilities of schools to ensure an experience for all students that is free from discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence. The University has developed and implemented procedures to demonstrate compliance with all federal mandates and to fulfill an obligation to preserve and protect a safe living, learning, and working environment for students, faculty, and staff.

At Glenville State University, Naomi Sanders is the designated Title IX Coordinator. If you feel that you have encountered discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence, you should contact either of the above co-coordinators. If you are unsure about the definitions of discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence, you may click on the appropriate tabs to the left side of this screen. If you feel that you have been subjected to sexual harassment or sexual violence and would like to register a formal complaint you can do so by using the forms on the tab to the left of this screen, or you may contact Naomi Sanders for guidance.

Naomi Sanders
Coordinator, Title IX
103 Heflin Administration Building

Kendra Pullen
Counselor on Call (Confidential resource)
137 Mollohan Community Center
304-462-6429 (Daytime)
304-266-7086 (24-hour Phone)

Casey Smola
Program Assistant I
Investigator, Title IX
Physical Plant Building