Military Student Withdrawal Policy

Military Student Withdrawal Policy

In the event of an unexpected withdrawal from Glenville State University for military duty, the military member shall be afforded a choice of options, as follows*:    

  1. If the military member has completed a minimum of 12 weeks of the fall/spring term (three weeks for the five-week summer term or eight weeks for the 8-week summer term) and all required coursework, the student may choose to receive full credit for the course, with assignment of the grade earned up to the time of the withdrawal.   
  2. If the military member has completed less than 12 weeks of the term or is unable to complete all required coursework prior to active duty, the student may choose to:
    • Receive no credit for the course(s) pursued and a prorated refund of tuition, fees, and room and board for the term as permitted within adherence to institutional, state, and federal financial aid regulations. The student’s transcript for the semester will show the courses enrolled with “W’s”. If after review from the Registrar’s Office and the Office of Financial Aid, determined all classes will be deleted for that semester, all financial aid received for the semester must be returned to the Federal, State and/or institutional programs from which it was awarded. This in turn may leave a balance due the school if a refund has been received. This balance will be pursued through regular collection procedures.
      • OR
    • Receive an “incomplete” grade for each course and, with concurrence of the instructor or department chair, complete each course upon return from military duty. Institutional timelines for completing the coursework and removing the “incomplete” grade shall begin with the first date of enrollment following return from military duty**. Students will remain responsible for the full tuition and fees for that semester.    

Military members seeking relief under this rule must provide proof, in the form of a dated copy of official orders, that the call up or reassignment could not reasonably have been foreseen prior to the beginning of term in which they were registered. This rule shall not apply in the case of planned military training during a term if it was scheduled and the military member was notified of it prior to the beginning of the term.

Appeals of institutional decisions under this policy shall be made in accordance with the institution’s academic appeal policy.

*The term “unexpected withdrawal” shall mean a withdrawal from the University necessitated solely because of an unforeseen, unplanned, emergent military call up or geographic reassignment that prevents the military member student from attending class and completing coursework as planned. The term “military member” shall apply to any person who is an active member of the regular military of the United States, or of a Reserve unit of any branch of the United States military, or of a National Guard unit.

**Incomplete grades issued under this policy will be converted to a “W” (withdrawal) grade if the student fails to re-enroll within two years of the issuing of the “incomplete” grade.