Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Glenville State University has partnered with Marshall University to offer students a program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The agreement will see prospective students enroll at Glenville State and complete general education courses here during their first year. Then, once the students are admitted to the BSN program, they will receive instruction from Marshall faculty members on Glenville State’s campus.
The nursing program is designed for professional nurse generalists to work with individuals, families, groups, and communities in a variety of healthcare settings as they work toward obtaining RN licensure.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Marshall University prepares professionally minded nursing students to work in a variety of healthcare settings. Students participate in a wide-ranging area of clinical rotations to gain nursing experience and explore options available upon graduation.
Baccalaureate nursing education provides a foundation in the humanities and the biological, social and behavioral sciences. Students can apply this foundation, as well as a strong base in nursing science, to the professional practice of nursing. In addition to achieving the professional goals of the nursing program, students also become responsible members of society.
The program is taught by faculty who hold professional certifications and years of nursing experience in the field and in the classroom.
How do I get admitted into the BSN Program?
Students enrolled at Glenville State University may apply for the cooperative Marshall University – Glenville State Nursing Program for sophomore level placement if they:
- Have an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher.
- Have completed all required freshman level required courses with a “C” or better or are able to successfully complete these courses by July 15 the year of application.
Note: These are minimum requirements for admission. Click here to review the student scoring sheet for the pre-licensure BSN program. Points are used to determine applicant acceptance into the program.
Application can be found online between November 15 – January 15 and is only open during this time period.
Before the last semester of study at Glenville State, participating students may apply for conditional admission to Marshall and must meet all admission requirements prior to acceptance and matriculation. Upon meeting the entrance requirements, Glenville students will transfer to Marshall’s BSN program on Glenville campus (typically at the sophomore level) when admitted as BSN Nursing students.
Scholarship Information
Qualified students may be eligible for scholarships.
Additionally, Glenville State has been inducted as a member of the Mon Health Scholars Program. The Mon Health Scholars Program offers West Virginia School of Nursing programs a scholarship to their nursing students and the promise of employment with Mon Health after completing their degree. Mon Health Scholars will earn their nursing degree, fulfill most of their clinical rotations within Mon Health System, and be guaranteed employment within the health system following graduation. The scholarship also provides financial support that can include tuition, textbooks, and academic fees. Mon Health System selects the scholarship award recipients.
Mon Health Scholars Application
For More Information:
Kevin L. Evans, Ph.D
Dean of Health Sciences